Friday, November 26, 2010

My Fashion Guru

Say hello to my Baby Sis.  


What she learns yesterday, during the lounge-around interlude following Thanksgiving dinner, is that even though I can buy great items (accidentally, it appears), I have no idea what to do with them once they are home.

After Baby Sis sifts through my closet, observing one piece after another with the tags still attached, she stops, takes my hand and slaps it.  

I know.

I know.

Actually, this gesture fits nicely with the rest of our champagne giggle-fest.

Within minutes, she whips together four amazing outfits, arranging items in a way I have never imagined.  

'Wait, wait, did you do that?' I ask.

'It's what I do,' she says.

My new stuff now has a purpose in life.

Most exciting?  Baby Sis has agreed to do a guest post outlining her own fashion 'do's and don'ts to help those of us who need a little,

Coming soon.

Picture my own, taken yesterday


  1. Oh good, I need Baby Sis's advice too, please. I'll keep watching for helpful notes.

    cheerio, and I hope Thanksgiving was good for you all,

    Anna in Edinburgh

  2. Very much appreciated. As soon as possible if possible. And if she can give advice on how to buy a nice-fitting, flattering pair of pants, I would be forever grateful. :)

  3. Cool! I definitely need help. More than a little.

  4. Hi Anna - thank you for the kind Thanksgiving wishes. Our day was wonderful. Baby Sis will come to the rescue by this time next week.

    Stay tuned!

  5. Ines, I'm with you - buying flattering pants is quite an adventure. I'm sure Baby Sis can help in this department.

    Thanks for your comment!

  6. ChickenFreak, hello! Thank you for joining the ranks of the fashion challenged. Hope you had a great holiday!



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