Sunday, March 10, 2013

'Sorry, We're Out of Smelling Strips'

Twice last week, I walked into different stores, excited for a sniff fest, and found there were no smelling strips to test the perfumes.  Of course, I know what this means (poor management, lack of attention to detail...general cluelessness), but I ask where they are anyway, just to raise the discomfort level and emphasize the absurdity of no smelling strips in a perfume department. I get a variety of responses:

'We ran out - here are some Q-tips.'
'You can either use Q-tips or use space on my arm.'
'We keep ordering them, but they never send any.'

What I want to say: 

Are you f-ing kidding me? 

What I actually say:

'You're out of smelling strips, really?'
'Q-tips, are you serious?'
'Wow, that sucks.'

They apologize and I take the Q-tips and look at them for a moment before sighing my specially reserved 'disappointed that there are no smelling strips' sigh.  Then I lay them on the shelf and walk away.  To date, I have not offered up my suggestion of where they might actually place the Q-tips.

Pet peeve squared.

Image from


  1. Q-Tips - Ha, let's not even go there...! It's funny, but I've actually noticed a relative lack of perfume smelling strips in certain stores in the UK as well. I've noticed an increase in these coloured, satin fabrics (or something like that, don't ask me..) that are used. I don't like them, as I don't think they retain the smell of the perfume very well.

    But Q-tips - how tacky....

    1. Hi Michael - I know, some stores here use the ribbon things as well. First, it's hard to get the perfume on them and second, as you say, they don't hold the smell. Plus, I like to write things on the paper smelling strips and one can't do that on ribbon or Q-tips. So irritating. Good to see you!

  2. Oh, the ribbon-thingies. I hate those! They flop all over so I end up spraying myself, the SA, and several innocent bystanders, all without actually hitting the ribbon-thingie. What's up with this trend? Did the last smelling-strip factory in China go out of business??

    1. Marla, I'm with you. What is so damn difficult about supplying smelling strips? Truly, I don't get it. Ribbon 'thingies' are a trend that can just fade away into the sunset. Good to see you!

  3. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard! It's like a gas station that has gasoline but no pumps... My friend and I have a collection of testers, so we would never be caught in this situation xD

    1. Hello, Gil! Yes, it is ridiculous - love your analogy of a gas station with no pumps. From time to time I have carried around my own testing strips, too (great idea!), but it still ticks me off that I am the one that must cover that detail. Thanks for your comment!

  4. Use space on your arm.... ummm, sure, because it's not odd sniffing up & down a complete strangers arm at the department store.... right?

    1. Hi DoaPA - I know, to say nothing of a little disgusting (hairy, unwashed guy arm...just sayin'). So annyoying.



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