Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What Perfume Smells Like Iowa?

Iowa is hot and humid in the summer.  Now, temperatures are just beginning to drop (although it's uncharacteristically cool - highs in the low 60's).  

According to my memory, it smells of damp wood, leaves about to turn golden and black soil farmland.

I happen to love it there. 

As I pack tonight, I'm a little stumped about what perfumes will truly capture Iowa's essence.

Any suggestions?

Image from


  1. Demeter Fresh Hay? (Maybe too on the nose) slumberhouse Mur? (Maybe a little to weird)CB Burning Leaves? (Maybe to northern)

    This is a tough one!

  2. We just drove through Iowa a few weeks ago -- I found it surprisingly beautiful.

    Following in the hay theme, maybe Le Temps d'un Fete, Chergui or DSH Celadon?

  3. Hi Diana - excellent suggestions! Maybe Fresh Hay and Burning leaves layered?'ve given me food for thought. Thanks!

  4. Elisa, hi - I love Iowa, too, even though my husband is a bit ho-hum about it (perhaps we always take for granted the place that we grew up). I can imagine Chergui being lovely. Haven't tried DSH Celedon, but it sounds intriguing. Thanks for your suggestions!

  5. Josephine, I have a perfume in my line that is hay, fields, herbs and soft mellow earth. It's called Pan, and is a cult favorite.

  6. Anya, thank you for the comment - I would love to sample Pan!

  7. My suggestions are Bandit for the green, L'Artisan Fleurs de Narcisse for the hay and CB I Hate Perfume Greenbriar 1968 for the earth.

  8. kjanicki, I love Fleurs de Narcisse - forgot about that one! Bandit might work, but it makes me cranky (I keep trying it, but can't get past the cranky). Thanks for your great suggestions!



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