Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sycomore and Sarah Palin

Today, I wore Chanel's Sycomore to an all-day Motivational Seminar that my staff really wanted to attend. You know the kind; Collin Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney...and Sarah Palin.  A regular God Bless America Republican marketing extravaganza.  

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

My day started peppy and Sycomore smelled just right, green and smoky with an inky heart note.  It makes a statement and it's also crowd friendly.  Perfect for this event.

After a very long day - the speakers ran over the allotted time, being in love with their own voices - it was Sarah's turn.  While I'm not necessarily a fan of Palin, I am open-minded and thought, 'what the hell, maybe she will say something useful.'  Just throw me a bone here.

What I didn't expect was Palin READING some lame-ass speech about how she wasn't really an athlete in high school but persevered and annoyed the shit out of everyone until her team had to win just to shut her up.  I may have missed a detail or two, but she was talking so fast and loud that I could only fantasize about the 'wish I were there' option of dousing myself with lighter fluid and playing with matches.  

To top off this meaningful experience, the man sitting in front of me had not washed the back of his neck for Quite Some Time and smelled like sour milk and piss. 

Tonight, I am Little Miss Cranky Pants, having my dinner of Cheetos and wine.


  1. Ho, ho, ho. Oh, goodness. Yes, our Sweet Sister Sarah either works for you, or she really doesn't. (Me: doesn't.)

  2. Hi LCN! Yes, I found myself in a bit of a rant the other night. Just a bit of substance from SP would have been nice.

    Looking forward to your next post!



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